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Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Page 7

  Like that would ever happen. In all the time Coco had known the gorgeous brunette bombshell, she didn’t think the other woman had had an intimate encounter. Shame. A little loving from a werewolf like Grayson would turn her pensive, pursed lips into a permanent smile.

  Coco forced a neutral expression on her face. She shouldn’t want to see him again so badly. Should she? She’d managed to make it through the first night without too much conversation. But last night… last night they’d talked. Snuggled. Actually snuggled. And the sex… The goblet of blood tumbled from her hand and crashed against the floor.

  “Are you okay?” Avery rounded the counter and stared at the pool of blood, wasted on the tile.

  Coco bit back a curse word and reached for the paper towels. “Yes. Clumsy of me.”

  Avery knelt down and helped her mop up the mess. It’s a dangerous game you’re playing, she whispered in Coco’s mind.

  Coco frowned and lifted her gaze. What do you mean?

  I saw you last night at the orchestra. With a wolf.

  Coco didn’t say a word. Simply handed Avery another towel and continued the task at hand.

  You can fuck whomever you want. But you’d better be careful where your best friend is concerned.

  You think I don’t know that?

  Just don’t bring him back here.

  Coco cut the other vamp a look. I wasn’t planning to.

  What about this morning?

  You saw that? She’d purposefully had Grayson drop her off a few hundred yards down the beach. Her dress had been full of sand, and she’d been a little sore in places, but that hadn’t stopped her from sending him off with a kiss.

  Avery nodded and stood. Coco sighed and finished cleaning up the mess. He was just a rebound guy. It was silly to feel like she needed to keep him hidden. But hide him she had. When he’d hinted at coming inside, she’d made up an excuse about hanging out with the girls. Chewing her lower lip, she stared at the back of Izzy’s head. She was a guilty liar. But she hadn’t exactly promised that she would never date a wolf.

  Not that they were dating.

  He was not number seven forty-eight. Grayson West was simply a lover. A fuck buddy. The man who’d brought back her libido.

  Good gods, she sounded like a loon even in her own mind. All the back and forth. She needed to get out of the cottage. Some time to herself would be good. And she wasn’t meeting Grayson until midnight. He wanted her to play for him. She smiled at the thought and wiped up the remaining glass.

  Once that was done, she called to her friend. “Iz, we’re out of O negative. I think I’ll just go over to the casino and order a glass. Would you pass along--”

  “We will leave a note.” Izzy stood, running her hands down the front of her leather pants. “I will join you.”

  Coco frowned as they strode along the boardwalk. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Izzy’s company. Never that. But the guilt for keeping such a secret was eating her alive. They’d become fast friends once Izzy had accepted her change into vampirism. Coco’s work with domestic abuse victims gave her a special insight into what Izzy had been through. The fear. The recurring nightmares. The need for control. Though Izzy’s attack wasn’t domestic and the memory of that night still made Coco’s stomach turn, she’d promised to teach Izzy how to protect herself. Izzy was a quick study, eager to never be a victim again.

  “We’ve been friends for a while now. You know I love you, right, Iz?”

  Izzy’s brows pinched together and she gave Coco a questioning look. “Yes.”


  “What bring this on?”

  Izzy and her cute version of the English language. Not that Coco was much better. Always butchering it. Mixing in French and sometimes even Italian.

  “Nothing. I just want to make sure you’re having a good time. You deserve a fabulous vacation.”

  Izzy nodded.

  The hotel and casino loomed like a beacon above them. Coco navigated the stone pathway, around pots of vibrant flowers, through a courtyard and into the glamorous casino. Just like in the atrium, sparkling chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Halting in her tracks, Coco stood transfixed by the glittering fixtures. Izzy thumped into her from behind, apologizing immediately.

  “Pretty,” Izzy declared, not a half second later. Coco smiled. Regardless of age or origin, all vamps had the same fascination with shiny things. It was in the genes.

  There was plenty to admire as they made their way to the bar. Gleaming bronze, rich polished wood, gorgeous immortals in evening finery. Coco was underdressed in her jersey dress and silk thongs, but no one paid her any attention. If anything, the heads that turned their way were focused on Izzy. Tonight her shirt read Stop, %#*& and Roll. Coco would bet that over half the men in the room were ready to do what Izzy’s shirt instructed.

  Coco stepped up to the bar and placed an order for two Mystic Isle cocktails. The handsome bartender gave her a quick-but-ultra-sexy smile before heading off to pour their drinks. Izzy hopped up onto the stool next to her.

  “I could totally bite his ass,” she said, her voice a low purr.

  Coco laughed. That was one of the things she liked most about the little Russian vamp. She was always open to new experiences, especially where men were concerned. Sometimes she was shuttered, closed off. And usually she projected a “touch-me-not” aura. But when she relaxed and let loose, well, she really let loose. She was easy to love, and deep down as soft and sweet as goose down.

  Which made Coco all the angrier that a man would take advantage of Izzy.

  “Here you go, ladies.” The bartender slid two goblets across the bar, gave them that trademark smile again, and then moved on. As conquests went, Izzy could do far worse than the jet-black-haired, tall, lean and uber gorgeous man minding the bar. Quick with his hands, quick to smile.

  Coco felt a tingle at the back of her neck. Decades of finely honed instincts told her that she was being watched. Lifting the goblet to her lips, she slowly scanned the room. Several blackjack tables away sat Grayson. His gaze locked with hers. For a moment, he didn’t appear to so much as recognize her.

  But then he smiled. Her stomach clenched and a shiver raced down her neck, over her shoulders, and kept on going until her whole body trembled.

  The big man sitting next to him glanced up from his cards and looked at Grayson. Then he followed Grayson’s gaze. It was the wolf who’d stopped by her table two nights ago. Recognition flared in his eyes and the corner of his mouth turned up.

  Coco pulled her shoulders back and turned to Izzy. She didn’t want to attract attention. Certainly not with Izzy sitting next to her.

  “Why does V not have sex?” Izzy asked. She was already down half a cocktail.

  Coco had to hand it to her. The girl could drink. “I’ve never gotten a straight answer to that question.”

  “She is denying her nature. One day she will explode.”

  Coco snickered.

  “It will be… messy,” Izzy insisted.

  A full on belly laugh claimed her, and Izzy caught it too.

  “You’re probably right, mon amie.”

  “I cannot decide if I wish to be around to see it or not.”

  Coco felt the weight of Grayson’s stare and turned her head his way. He glanced down at his cards, then at the cards on the table again. He didn’t seem particularly invested in the game. With a rake of his hand he collected his chips and started to stand.

  Stomach dropping, she shook her head.

  He paused, frowning, and leaned back in his chair.

  Inwardly, Coco sighed with relief.

  “Are you okay?” Izzy asked. Her perfectly arched brows pinched together and she pursed her lips.

  “Fine.” Coco took another sip. She changed the subject. “What do you think of Ceara?”

  They went back and forth, chatting about their coven-mates. Izzy obviously relished not being the new girl any longer.

  “Good evening, ladies,” a masculine v
oice said. Coco and Izzy turned in their seats to face the werewolf who hadn’t wanted to take no for an answer. She glanced past him to Grayson and saw his jaw working. Well, that made two of them.

  By the heavy stench of alcohol, the wolf must have had a bottle and a half of Scotch. Like vamps, wolves had a fast metabolism, which meant he’d gone bottles up very quickly. She smirked. Did he need to bolster his confidence before approaching? Was that why he seemed even more lecherous tonight? At the moment, his dark gaze focused on Izzy’s chest.

  Coco looked back and forth between them. Izzy ducked her chin and glared up at him. At least he didn’t smell like sex this time. But it was obvious from the way Izzy’s jaw clenched and released that she was not interested in him in the slightest.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to be picking up on the little vamp’s signals.

  “Can I get you…” He paused, as if thinking about what he’d wanted to ask. A different Christmas song drifted through the speakers and the wolf’s gaze traveled past Izzy to the bar. “Another drink?”

  He glanced back at Coco and smiled.

  She shook her head. From the corner of her eye, she saw Izzy do the same.

  The wolf didn’t back down.

  “Are you sure?” Coco had never seen a wolf so drunk before. Fae, sure. They couldn’t really hold their liquor. But a two hundred plus pound werewolf with the metabolism of a hummingbird? Never. “You’re on empty.”

  The wolf started to stroke a hand down Izzy’s arm, but the vamp was off her stool and making a beeline for the exit before he could make contact. He stumbled forward and Coco stepped around him. Glass in hand, she followed her friend through the maze of tables.

  “Hey! Wait up!”

  Seething. That was the word Coco would use to describe her friend right now. Izzy’s ponytail shimmered under the lights, flicking with annoyance.

  “Asshole,” Izzy hissed when they were in the courtyard.

  “Drunk fool,” Coco agreed. She put a reassuring arm around Izzy’s shoulders and hugged her close. Coco had to give Izzy credit for not punching the guy in the nuts on the way out. There was no need for such unruly behavior. They were at a resort not a slum.

  “What’s the rush?” The voice came an instant before a heavy hand landed on Coco’s shoulder.

  Muscles tensing, she whirled away from him. Izzy spun in the other direction, and he looked back and forth between them, a cocky smile on his face. Coco felt the attentions of the other guests who dotted the courtyard.

  “What part of no-means-no don’t you understand, wolf?” Coco asked.

  The wolf snorted and waved a hand down the length of his body. “No one ever says no to Richard Bundick.” He cut a glance at Izzy.

  Coco sat her goblet on a bench and gave the dirt-bag her full attention. Power shimmered through her. Unlike the playful faux fight she’d had with Grayson two nights ago, her body was on full alert. Her fangs dropped, itching for blood. She flexed her fingers and the tips tingled with anticipation of leaving some serious scratches across his handsome face.

  “Why don’t we all go back to my room and have a little party.”

  Izzy stared at him, a breeze lifting the stray hairs that had escaped her ponytail.

  “Not if you were the last son-of-a-bitch on the planet,” Izzy said, her nostrils flaring ever so slightly. She continued to stare the wolf down, and Coco was proud of her for standing her ground.

  But Coco saw the tremble shake Izzy’s body and she lost her temper. “Leave now before I send you on your way, wolf.”

  He did a double take in Coco’s direction.

  She could tell that the booze was wearing off. He wasn’t nearly as loopy as he had been just a few moments ago.

  “You don’t have to come,” he said, glancing at her as he started to circle Izzy. “I bet your friend’s itty bitty pussy will be plenty to keep me and my dick happy.”

  In all years Coco had been alive, she’d never been so pissed off before. Her anger was a living breathing cancer inside of her, cutting off her air supply, making her lightheaded.

  Calm. Steady.

  She lowered her head, glaring at him through her lashes, and hissed for good measure. They reached for Izzy at the same time. But he fell short as a blur of muscle tackled him from the left.

  Coco pushed Izzy behind her and took a defensive stance.

  The two wolves sprang up and glared at each other, Grayson on the left. Grayson had the other man by the scruff of the neck, his expression lethal. “Leave them alone, Dick. They’re not interested.”

  A rush of emotion flowed through Coco. He was defending her, them, even after she’d shut him down.

  The Adonis was at their side almost instantly. “Anyone care to explain what’s going on.”

  “Thought this was supposed’ta be a sex resort,” the bastard wolf said.

  “It is a consensual sex resort you -- you -- barbarian,” Izzy spat.

  Grayson’s head jerked back as if she’d struck him, then his gaze swung round to the man he was holding back. “What’s she talking about?” he asked the other man.

  Adonis glared at Dick and uttered a single, power-packed word. “Explain.”

  “I never touched her.”

  You touched me, wise-ass.

  Adonis turned to Coco and Izzy, a golden brow raised in question.

  Right. Coco nodded. Explanation time. She opened her mouth but then closed it. She glanced over at Grayson and then turned back to Izzy. But all she saw of her friend was a blonde ponytail turning the corner.

  Sighing, Coco turned back and took three steps toward the gorgeous blond god and paused. Licking her lips, she glanced around at the crowd. Then back up into eyes that reminded her of the richest topaz. Coco had never been this close to a god before and her stomach twisted.

  “You’re welcome to explain, vamp,” he prodded, crossing perfectly sculpted arms over a massive chest. She could tell because the crisp white linen shirt hid nothing.

  She nodded again. “Izzy was raped by a werewolf,” she said quietly, her gaze searching his. “She didn’t mean him.” She nodded at the wolf behind Grayson.

  The two werewolves frowned, obviously not liking that they weren’t in on the conversation. But it was none of their business. “She’s understandably touchy about men who…” She glared over at the bastard. He looked confused all of a sudden. “Who don’t take no for an answer,” Coco finished and pulled her shoulders back.

  The god stared at her for another second before he glared over her head at the two wolves.

  “No means no, gentlemen.” He spoke as if he’d made a pronouncement from on high. “And you know the rules about fighting,” the Adonis said, his steely gaze pegging Grayson and the other wolf.

  “Grayson wasn’t fighting. He was protecting me and Izzy.” A shiver raced around her neck as she stared at the man who’d made her cry out his name the night before.

  “Is that right?” The Adonis turned his gaze to Grayson.

  Grayson nodded.

  “It’s that one who’s causing trouble,” Coco said, shooting daggers at the other man. “Why so quiet now? Only like to pick on women?” She took a step forward, and he flinched. She laughed.

  “You’re out,” Adonis told the other wolf and gave a jerk of his thumb.

  There was an outburst and some heated discussion between the two of them, but Coco didn’t stick around to listen. She scooped up the goblet full of precious drops and strode to the edge of the courtyard, her blood humming. The wine had gone to her head and the encounter left her vibrating with annoyance.

  “Coco!” Grayson’s voice jerked her to a stop and she turned to face him.

  “No means no? What the hell was that about?”

  “Let it go, Grayson.” Coco kept walking. Izzy was her top priority right now.

  “I think I deserve some sort of explanation. Especially when a god threatens to kick me off the island for protecting your friend.”

  “And I tha
nk you for that, Grayson. But I need to go check on her.”

  “Fine. I’ll come with you.”

  Coco stopped. “No way, wolf.” She was not going to have a wolf stalk into their inner sanctum, further terrifying her friend.

  “So,” he said, closing the distance, “I’m just your dirty secret?”

  Of all the things he could have said, that was not at the top of her list. She glanced past him at the beautifully decorated hotel. When had her vacation grown so complicated? She’d come here to restore her mojo. To rekindle the desire that had once been so innate.

  She’d found her passionate side. He had rekindled the desire. Together, they’d flamed the fire several times over the last few days. By all accounts, his job was finished and she could check that item off her to-do list.

  But he wasn’t a box to be checked off. And their… relationship wasn’t over. In fact, she didn’t want it to end. The hot sex part, anyway. She glanced at his shoulders, then his biceps. Strong corded muscles, displayed to perfection by the golf shirt. Made for holding a woman. For supporting her, lifting her, loving her.

  Now wasn’t the time to be thinking of getting naked, though. She didn’t want Izzy to be alone. And she needed some time to herself, to try to rein in her feelings.

  She didn’t miss the way he sighed. The hurt in his eyes as he started to back away was unmistakable. She retraced her way back to his original question. “You’re not a secret, dirty or otherwise.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she held him with her gaze. Okay, so that wasn’t the whole truth. Keeping him away from Izzy wasn’t the same as keeping him a secret. Right? And besides, what Izzy didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. At least, that was the theory Coco was currently running with.

  “Then why--”

  “Izzy hates werewolves,” Coco cut in quietly. Sighing, she strode to him, looped an arm through his and tugged him gently toward the boardwalk. “Two years ago she was out late, photographing Paris. She was raped and beaten by a wolf, left for dead.”

  Coco realized that she now told the horrid story the same way Izzy did. Matter-of-fact and with little emotion. Only the details… as if she was talking about someone she didn’t even know. After years of war and hatred, deception and betrayal, she’d thought she’d lost her ability to be surprised by the cruelty in the world.