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Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Page 6


  “Where the hell are you getting so much patience?”

  “Just building the anticipation, beautiful. Makes the surrender all the sweeter.”

  Fuck surrender. She’d surrendered to her desire the moment they’d first kissed. His lips on hers, so firm, so possessive… she’d given up all hope of denying him anything. Of keeping anything of herself from him. She’d waited for him so long. For this. There was no use in holding back.

  Not when she wanted him so much. The depth her desperation made her lightheaded. Everything in her was focused on the single part of her anatomy that controlled her pleasure.

  “I imagined you. Just like this.” He slid in another inch. “On your hands and knees.” Another inch. “This skirt hiked up like dark chocolate frosting on a cupcake.” Another inch. “So sweet.” He kissed one shoulder blade, then the other. She swallowed. Delicious. “Just waiting to be licked. And devoured.”

  “Grayson…” she whispered, her eyelids shuttering.

  His lips trailed over her neck and shoulders. A cool breeze ran over her skin, chilling her. But he was there. Strong arms, bracketed around her. Solid and warm, heating her back. Teeth grazing her skin.

  And then he slid all the way home. They both groaned.

  He was right. Patience. Surrender. Exquisite. This… this was what she’d needed. A union that took her breath away. Made her mindless.

  Perfection. His cock withdrew, but his upper body stayed glued to hers, flattening the fluffy skirt. So big. So strong.

  Her pussy hugged his cock as he thrust forward.


  Every controlled thrust rocked her forward, slowly, seductively. She felt like they were on a boat, swaying against each other. He kissed the nape of her neck, trailed his lips along the crest of her shoulder, and nipped the blade.

  She bowed beneath him and his cock angled deeper.

  Beautiful. The word entered her mind. She smiled.

  Delicious, she sent back.

  Moaning, he curled an arm around her. His hand slid up between her breasts, closed gently around her neck. I can feel your heartbeat.


  His hips rolled against her. Mine.

  Faster, wolf.

  Finger and thumb still wrapped around her throat, he quickened his pace. She rocked forward on her arms, the sand beneath the blanket shifting.

  I’ve got you, love.

  He certainly did. So thick and strong inside her, filling her so completely. He was like a puzzle piece that she’d been missing.

  Let yourself go. Let yourself come.

  I’m trying. She needed this orgasm so badly she could taste it. He shifted the angle, driving himself against the front of her pussy. Ripples of delight ran through her and she gasped her pleasure. Yes.


  Perfect. She bent her arms and braced herself against the sand. He let go of her throat and cupped her breast.

  I dreamed of this, you know. His voice rumbled through her sex-crazed brain.


  Us. Like this. All those years ago. What you’d feel like. What you’d look like.

  Is it as good as you dreamed?

  He squeezed her breast as he fucked her. Better.

  Good answer.

  It’s the truth. You kiss me like I’m the last man on Earth. Your breasts fill my hands perfectly. Your pussy… He groaned when her inner muscles squeezed him.

  “I’m going to make you come apart, my beautiful vampiress. Then you’re going to tell me what you’ve been doing to keep yourself busy for the last hundred years.” He kissed the center of her back again.

  Feeling hot all over, she turned her head to look back at him. “Yes…” Oh that felt so good. Almost too good. She swallowed. She wanted to taste him. Needed just a sip. She needed to come. So close. Tears pricked her eyes. So very close. “Harder… wolf.”

  He must have felt her urgency. His hips thrust against her in earnest, his skin meeting hers like two cymbals in the night. He grunted above her. Cock pistoning inside her channel, she tried to match his rhythm with her hips. Her inner muscles squeezed him upon each exit, as if they could beg him to stay.

  His cock seemed to get harder. Bigger. His teeth scraped over her shoulder, and she realized he was losing control. The power rippling through him, transferred to her.

  His hand left her breast and waded through the tulle until he found her center. Cupping her mound, he fucked her like the animal he was. Not gently.

  Not carefully.

  Full on mating.


  In a frenzy, he growled. His movements were almost brutal in their strength. But it’s what she’d needed.

  Him. Taking her like the wolf he was. Almost like he was claiming her. Hot. So hot. Coco kept her eyes closed. Afraid that the sight of anything at all would make her lose the exquisite pleasure building inside. Just when she got to the precipice, he ratcheted her up another level. And another.

  She whimpered beneath him, willing to do anything for that ultimate release. Close. So close.

  “Gray--” His name died on her lips as he circled a finger around her clit. The tiny movement set off an explosion in her nervous system. Starting at her core, hurtling outward. Heating her further until she looked down at her arms to make sure she wasn’t actually on fire. Yes. Yes. Oh… yes.

  He paused, body taut against her.

  “Mmm…” She wasn’t sure which one of them made the sound.

  His cock rippled inside her pussy as he growled her name. Every tendon, still and taut like a violin bow, before he collapsed against her.

  She melted beneath him but managed to keep her arms locked. Slowly her gaze refocused. White sand. Inky darkness. Perfect, complete bliss.

  * * * * *

  Coco stretched out on the blanket next to him. Her jet-black lashes fluttered twice before her brilliant blue eyes pegged him. He’d never actually enjoyed sleeping with a woman before. But he hadn’t slept much. Hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her. She rolled toward him and hooked a leg over his hip.

  The moon was dipping low in the sky. Soon daylight would flood the island and he’d have to go back to reality. To war. But he didn’t want to think of that now. Not the future. Not bright, hot days without this woman gracing his bed.

  He leaned over for a kiss. She sighed and snuggled closer. “So what have you been doing since I saw you last?” he asked.

  “I teach self-defense to the women in my community.”


  She nodded.

  Interesting. “What else?”

  “I joined a new coven. All female.”

  He laughed. He couldn’t imagine a house full of female vampires, living together, sharing a bathroom. “And you don’t kill each other?”

  “We share a mansion. We hardly ever see each other when we don’t want to.” She continued her slow survey of him, her gaze zeroing in on his hairline.

  “Where do you live?”

  “East of Paris.”

  He slid his hand down the back of her thigh. Smooth, so very smooth. Her skin like milk chocolate. It tasted just as sweet. “Somehow that suits you. Close to the action but not too close.” She was far too beautiful to belong on a battlefield. Rather, she was the kind of beauty that men waged war over.

  “I keep Valencia from draining the help. She lets the rest of us spend her inheritance.”

  “Why does that name sound familiar?” He skimmed his hand back up over her hip to the curve of her waist.

  “Probably because her last name is Fabelle and she’s one of the last vampires from that ancient lineage.”

  Fabelle. Fabelle. “Ahh. The Castle Fabelle. I remember now.” He’d fought there once.

  “It belongs to her uncle or cousin these days. I don’t ask. Valencia isn’t happy about it.”

  He hooked his hand beneath the curve of her breast and paused, letting her rib cage rise and fall beneath his palm. People said
vampires were the living dead. They were very much correct about the alive part. This woman was like an icy blue flame. Cold, at a glance, but a fiery hot passion burned in her soul. He’d seen it. On the battlefield and when she’d come apart in his arms earlier tonight.

  How was it that she was still single? Why was she on an island looking for sex? “I thought you’d be married and mated by now.”

  “Almost, but not quite.”

  He pushed her back and claimed her left nipple. Using the tip of his tongue, he teased it to a taut peak. “No,” he said, but they both knew it was a question.

  “He was more concerned with business than romance.”

  He tormented the delicious little pebble a bit more. Sucking, licking, until she was moaning and writhing beneath him. He stopped again and glanced up at her. “And you are? Interested in romance?”

  She stared up at him for a long moment. “I’m not getting any younger. I live in a house full of female vamps. How sexy is that? It’s like being an old cat lady, except these cats could rip out your jugular.”

  Her words, the empathic delivery, made him laugh. She moaned as his tongue vibrated against her nipple. “I don’t know,” he said. “Depending on who you ask, a house full of gorgeous lady vamps might sound downright sexy.”

  “Is that how it sounds to you?”

  “Love, there’s only one vamp I’m interested in and she’s in my arms right now.”

  “Good answer, wolf. Good answer.”

  “When did your love affair with the piano begin?”

  “You noticed, did you?” She raked her nails, ever so slightly, down his back. It was an absent-minded action, but Grayson liked it. A lot. He rolled onto his back and pulled her close. In fact, he loved the way she curled up next to him and rested her cheek against his chest.

  High overhead, stars twinkled down at them and he was reminded of the many times in the past that he’d looked up at those stars and wondered if the beauty next to him was still alive. What she was doing. Who she was with.

  “I thought you would dissolve into a puddle when he played the first note.” He smiled at the memory of her, leaning forward, breathless.

  He felt her cheek crease against his chest. “It was right after the war. Nineteen hundred and nine. I saw a performance that just -- moved me.”

  Instant enchantment. Grayson knew that feeling well. “Do you play?”

  “Oui. Not as well the demon on stage. He is a master. My fingers aren’t long enough.”

  He could assure her that they were plenty long enough. They were long enough to circle his cock, and that’s what counted in his book. He pressed her hand against his chest. She was cold again. He tugged her fingers to his lips and blew on them, one by one. She shivered against him. For as long as he lived, he would never grow tired of making her tremble. “I would love to hear you play.”

  She was silent for a handful of seconds before she rose up on her elbow and looked down at him, eyebrows drawn together. “Really?”

  “Of course.” He didn’t know Bach from Mozart, but he appreciated good music. And with her at the keys, his enjoyment would, no doubt, be even greater.

  He tended to listen to whatever was most modern, which meant he never scratched the surface of any one genre. But he liked it that way. It kept him in tune with the world around him. But none of the music he listened to was performed by her.

  She studied him, silently.

  “Why does that shock you?” She seemed genuinely surprised.

  She glanced out at the ocean, obviously thinking something over. He was tempted to step into her mind and find out what. But she sighed and snuggled up to him again. “No reason.”

  He’d figure her out soon enough. There was something she was hiding, and like any good hunter, he planned on finding out what it was.

  She wasn’t like the toothpicks he’d bedded in the past. There was a brain between her ears and she knew how to use it. She was real, substantial, with curves that would bring a man to his knees.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “No idea.” He was butt naked. There was no telling where his cell phone had ended up. It wasn’t good for much more than telling time on this island anyway.

  She traced a sideways figure eight on his chest. Infinity. It was a common symbol among immortals. “I’m going to need a lift to my cottage, at some point.”

  Her statement chafed. Here he was relishing a blissful night in her arms and she was thinking of turning in. Unless she was planning on inviting him in. Something told him that wasn’t on her agenda. “Trying to get rid of me already, vamp?” he teased, trying to hide his true feelings.

  Back up on the elbow, she looked down at him. “No.” She frowned. “You know I can’t stay out past daybreak. I’m not that old yet.” Her frown turned to a grin, and he felt a kick somewhere in the region of his heart.

  He was a complete idiot. Of course she couldn’t be out when the sun came up.

  Damn. That meant he couldn’t take her out to this great reef he’d found yesterday. Or sailing at sunset. Or… or anything else that he did during the day.

  “What’s wrong?” She kissed his left nipple and then teased it with the tip of her tongue. He swallowed and tipped his head toward her.

  “Nothing that some sleep won’t fix.” Sleep had to fix this need to see her again and spend every waking minute talking to her.

  If she could tell he was lying, she didn’t give it away. Instead she settled against him again, her nails doing that absent trail thing again. “I think it’s your turn to tell me what you’ve been doing…”

  “Nothing as noble as teaching women how to protect themselves.” He still found it fascinating that she spent so much time helping the humans in her community. But then, human women probably needed Coco’s knowledge more than any other species. From what he’d seen they were the most unequal to their male counterparts in brawn, pay… everything.

  “Tell me,” she urged, her hand snaking down his torso.

  “What’s the phrase? Same ol’, same ol’?” He searched the sky for Sagittarius. There was no way he was going to ruin their evening by telling her that he was shipping out at the end of the week.

  “Fighting? For who?”

  “Whoever can afford me.”

  She propped her chin on his chest and looked into his eyes. “Who can afford you right now?”

  “The Americans.”

  “They know… about you? Us?” She meant immortals, of course.

  “Ever heard of the Paranormal Intelligence Agency?”


  He rolled her onto her back. “That’s good. You’re not supposed to know. No one is. Let’s just say that they have a small group of extremely talented individuals working for them.” For once, he wasn’t bragging.

  “Doing their dirty work.” A perfectly plucked eyebrow inched upward.

  When she put it like that he felt dirty. But killing was what he knew. What he was good at. Actually, he was better than good. He was the best. In and out before anyone knew he was there. Vamps might be able to flash, but he was practically invisible. And the Americans with their deep pockets were more than willing to pay to have their enemies exterminated.

  “Do you ever… think about doing something different?”

  “Sometimes.” Okay, about once a mission. “But what would I do? Hmm?” It was his turn to raise an eyebrow in question.

  She didn’t have a ready answer.

  He didn’t either. Didn’t really want one. At least, not right now.

  “What about your family?”

  He wrapped a hand around her throat, loving the color of her skin. The smoothness. She was all woman. “What about them?”

  “Are they…”

  “Still alive?” he asked, trailing his hand down to the valley between her breasts. “Yes. My parents belong to a pack on one of the islands. They still believe in hunting their own food.”

  She smiled. “Mine don’t believe cove
ns are necessary. They have an apartment in the heart of Paris and spend way too much money on their stuffy art collection.”

  “Any nudes?” He wiggled his eyebrows to let her know he was joking.

  “A few.”

  “You’re a pretty fine nude yourself.” He ducked his head and sucked a plump nipple into his mouth. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him close. He teased and tasted her with his tongue, devouring the dark chocolate circle.

  “Grays--” His name drifted out of her lips.

  “Ready to come again, love?”

  Chapter Six

  When Coco stepped into the living room, Izzy was tucked into the corner of the sectional. As usual, the text on Izzy’s shirt made Coco smile. She was the most colorful person Coco knew and once Ceara had joined the coven, Valencia had given up on grooming Izzy in favor of their newest member.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Izzy asked.

  Coco faltered. She could not tell Izzy about the wolf. It was sheer luck and a ton of showers that had kept her relationship… or whatever this was… Fling. That’s what she’d call it. This fling, under wraps.

  “Mmm.” She shielded her thoughts and tried to appear pensive. “What about you? Has V taken you to the spa yet?”

  “She has us all marked down for a mud wrap tomorrow night.” Izzy made a face that made Coco burst out laughing.

  She stepped into the kitchen to fix herself a drink. Though the sun was well beneath the horizon, the ceiling fans swirled the heat of the day inside the cottage. The humidity was a welcome balm to her skin. As was the sweet scented air, full of tropical flower fragrance.

  Avery strode out of the other bedroom, stretching her arms over her head. “Going for a run. Anyone want to come?”

  “Only if there was a werewolf chasing me,” Izzy said from the couch.

  Coco was not the running type. She liked kick boxing. Izzy preferred yoga.

  “Tell V I’ll see her tonight at le spa?” Avery asked.

  “Sure,” Coco said. “Speaking of, where is V?”

  Avery shrugged. “Probably at the spa with Ceara.”

  “Would it not be great if Valencia was… getting it on with the handsome Adonis?” Izzy asked, her blonde brows wiggling up and down.