Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Read online

Page 5

  His other hand came around and he trailed the edge of a finger against her collarbone. She sucked in a breath, her breasts thrusting up in the tight corset.

  “So beautiful.”

  Normally she would have shushed him. Performances were to be enjoyed in silence, but this… this was something else. A different sort of performance. Almost as if the audience were part of it, their responses as important as the music.

  When the song ended, the audience were on their feet, clapping and shouting. The blonde, brunette, and redhead hugged each other. Then everyone bowed before settling back in their positions.

  The next song was one of her all-time favorites. She slid her right hand down the inside of Grayson’s left thigh. He sucked in a deep breath, his rib cage brushing her arm. This was certainly one night she’d never forget. Not only because of the music and the performance, but because of the man at her side. He made her feel whole. Until this moment, she hadn’t realized how badly she’d needed that.

  She felt someone’s gaze on her and turned to see a man several seats down and one row up, watching her. His eyes were dark, veiled, and he didn’t seem to care that he’d been caught staring.

  “Do you mind? That he’s watching,” Grayson asked, his lips moving against her neck. She shivered again and tightened her grip on his leg. The violins hit a high note, and Coco’s body flushed with pleasure. She knew what was coming up. A crescendo that never failed to excite and amaze her.

  “I don’t think you do,” he said, when she didn’t answer. Couldn’t answer. “Your heart is beating so fast.” He pressed his palm over the pounding organ.

  His lips moved like a soft breeze over her skin. Kissing her so softly she thought perhaps a butterfly had landed in that spot. The hand over her heart quested south, covering her breast. Curving, cupping, molding. Despite their audience she pushed herself against his palm. The intricate beadwork and padded cups provided too much separation for her liking. She wanted that warm skin on her, heating her from the outside in.

  “Do you know what I liked most about this dress?” he murmured.

  She made a questioning sound in her throat.

  “How easy it would be to cut a slit in the side of it. Can’t blame a man for liking easy access,” he said. She turned her face toward his, feeling drunk on desire and beautiful music. His lips slanted across hers and his tongue speared its way into her mouth. A moan escaped her throat before she could stop it.

  He ran a finger along the lacy edge of the bustier, down the valley of her cleavage and over her other breast. The finger disappeared and she felt a tug along the side of her skirt.

  This close, he smelled like an amazing aftershave. Tasted of wine. A fingertip trailed across the top of her thigh. She slid the back of her hand against his crotch. That earned her an appreciative groan. Smiling against his lips, she did it again.

  The questing finger traced the edge of her thong.

  Pain in the ass garment, the wolf’s voice whispered through her mind.

  She pulled away, laughing. He quickly caught her cheek with his free hand and brought her face around to meet his. He nipped her lower lip. “Quiet, vamp.”

  He soothed the bite with his tongue. She sobered immediately, falling back under his spell. She’d never experienced a kiss that made her feel so… dreamy. Weightless. Lost in it. The world completely faded away when his lips moved against hers, his tongue teasing its way inside her mouth. Thrusting. Withdrawing. Circling her own. She was aware, faintly, of the music and the waves. The salty fresh air. The cool sand beneath her toes and the warm hand between her thighs.

  He sucked her lower lip between his and gave it a nibble. White-hot lust shot straight to her core. At the same time, he brushed a finger down the center of her panties. Her thighs spread at the silent request, unable to deny him. It didn’t matter that they were surrounded by concert goers and musicians. All that mattered was that elusive orgasm. Something he could give her so easily. Something her body unabashedly required of him.

  He tightened his arm around the back of her head and neck. She sank against him, boneless, needing to come so badly. He thrust his tongue back into her mouth. So warm. So… forceful.

  His finger took up a firm glide against her pussy lips, the silk fabric denying him complete access.

  He was plundering. Wicked, delicious man.

  And then… he snared the edge, pulled the material to the side and circled her clit. A bolt of sensation zinged from one nipple to the other and then straight down to her womb. She gasped and he swallowed the sound.

  Oh yes, he would make the perfect pirate.

  She sucked on his tongue, and his finger paused. Then he cupped her mound, spearing just the tip of a finger into her pussy. What a tease. What a magnificent tease.

  Was it any wonder that she’d come three times last night?

  She moaned beneath his lips. It was a wonder, especially after the drought she’d been in. The anxiousness that she’d never come again was all but erased. Three mind-blowing orgasms in one night was a revelation. She was back. Her mojo was back. She felt whole for the first time in years.

  Where did you go? His voice drifted into her mind.

  She smiled as he retreated. Just thinking what a wonderful pirate you would have made.

  You think?

  Tall. Rakeshly handsome. Just the right amount of swashbuckling swagger.

  His laugh filled her mind, delighting her. Halting their kiss, he pulled back and gave her a wolfish smile, his beautiful gray eyes alight with mischief.

  You have the plundering bit, how do they say, down pat?

  This time his laughter rumbled in his chest, the vibration sweeping through her.

  I do like to… His gaze focused on her lips, dipped to her breasts and then, tipping his head to the right, settled at the juncture of her thighs. Love to, actually… plunder.

  There was so much heat in his gaze, so much thorough intensity that she actually shivered from it. He was exactly what the doctor had ordered. Just what she’d needed. Charming. Didn’t take himself too seriously. And yet, he had the ability to focus on her like a laser, making her feel like the only woman in the world. Like the past had never existed and the future was full of endless, pleasurable possibilities.

  What had he been doing with himself all these years? Obviously working out, if all the muscles beneath that tuxedo were any indication. Maybe they’d get a chance to talk.

  He fingered her.

  Later. They could talk later.

  Grayson felt the weight of the other man’s stare. The demon five seats down and one row forward had long forgotten about the performance on stage, of that much, Grayson was sure. His attention had been focused on Coco for the better part of five minutes. Had she not been in his arms, melting beneath his attentions, Grayson would have been as jealous as hell.

  She shifted her hips against his hand. So soft. So cool. Her cream dribbled between her nether lips, coating his fingers.

  Fuck, his inner wolf demanded. Hard. Fast. On all fours.

  Taking a deep breath, Grayson reined in his more primitive side. If the wolf had his way, they’d be on the ground right here, right now, the frothy skirt gathered around her hips as he mounted her from behind.

  No. Now was not the time and place for that.

  When he pushed that skirt up and sank into that slippery wet pussy, he did not want an audience. For now, the other man could only use his imagination.

  We need to go. Her voice filled his mind. The urgency made him pause.

  Now? The song wasn’t even over.

  Now. She gave a succinct nod.

  He liked that she knew her own mind and body. Wasn’t willing to wait around all night for a performance she wasn’t really interested in. It was just one of the things he found surprising, appealing, about Coco Jeffres.

  Removing his hand, he couldn’t resist giving the demon an encore. Fingers still damp with her juices, he clasped his hand around her throat, tightene
d his grip a tiny bit and devoured her mouth.

  She made a sound of surrender, small but intense. Grayson broke off the kiss and stood. Reaching for her hand, he caught the red flash of disappointment in the demon’s eyes.

  Chapter Five

  Grayson led her down the beach toward the pier. Every step ratcheted his excitement. The anticipation of having her in his arms, completely, fully, without a stitch of clothing between them made him quicken his pace. By the time they reached the pier he was running, and despite her dress, she kept pace with him.

  Halfway down he stopped next to the Chris Craft Runabout that Latham kept at the ready for special occasions. She stopped next to him, the frothy dress gathered in her right hand, hiked up to show off her calves. The smile on her face said she was as excited as he was. He lifted her left hand to his shoulder, slid his right hand around her waist and scooped her up.

  “Where are we going?”

  He stepped onto the boat and let her down. “You’ll see.”

  It took far too long to reach his destination, though in reality it was only a ten minute ride. Steering the boat toward the shore, he gave it just enough gas to skim the sand.

  When he turned for her, her gaze was fixed on the fire, the blanket and the basket on the beach.

  “I would have never pegged you for a closet romantic,” she murmured, stepping closer. Cupping his face in her hands, she kissed his cheek.

  “Me either.” But there was something about her… She gave him fantasies he’d never had before.

  There was something about the look in her eyes, as if she knew him. But that was crazy. They hardly knew each other. And at the same time, they’d known each other for a very long time. A different time and place, perhaps. But he knew that she was an incredible fighter. Graceful. Athletic. And demure. Maybe that was her French roots.

  She had a way of tying him around her little finger.

  But tonight -- tonight was his turn. No more chase. Just the two of them together.

  He bent down, putting his shoulder against her hips and lifted.

  “Grayson!” Her tone was scandalized. But there was excitement laced underneath.

  “You’ve never been thrown over a man’s shoulder before?”

  “No.” She laughed.

  Grinning, he hopped off the boat. Salty sea water splashed around him as he made the three steps onto dry sand. He stopped next to the fire and put her down. She stared up at him, her expression dreamy. Filled with anticipation.

  He kept his hands on her waist, needing to be in contact with her.

  “You make me crazy,” he uttered, unable to stop the earnest words. It was the truth. He couldn’t fault that.

  “That makes two of us.” That was all the warning he had before she leapt into his arms. Her hands clutched the front of his tuxedo jacket as her lips smashed into his. Give and take. Back and forth. Her tongue swept inside his mouth, touching his and she moaned.

  He cupped her ass and shifted his hips so he could rub his cock against her pussy. Too much material.

  Her laughter filled his mind.

  Still fused at the lips, her hands moved to his tie. He felt the movement between them, fumbling and yet efficient. When she dropped her feet to the ground and took half a step back his shirt hung open.

  Her lips curved up into a sultry smile that made his cock twitch.

  She was made for him.

  He wasn’t sure where the errant thought came from. Wasn’t sure he believed it. Didn’t have time to reflect on it as she reached for his belt. Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, she made short work of undoing the clasp and whipping the strip of leather from the belt loops.

  Her grin kicked up a notch as she held out her arm. Her eyebrows gave a quick jerk upward as if to say “oops” and the belt fell to the ground. Oh, she was good. Showy. A seductress.

  By the time the instructions from his brain to his hands told him to move, to help her, she slid her palms up his chest and shoved the shirt and jacket down. The taut fabric held him captive.

  Coco leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the center of his chest. Glancing up at him from beneath her lashes, the look in her eyes told him she knew just how trapped his was. That she’d planned it that way.

  Hands gliding down his obliques, she trailed her lips south. She paused just above his navel and nipped at his skin. A small growl rumbled out of him.

  “I’m starting to think you like being bitten just as much as you like biting.”

  Was she… oh gods, yes.

  Those cool fingers went to work on the clasp, brushing against his abs. His cock was standing at attention, straining against the fabric. She slid the zipper down and paused again.

  He held his breath. What was she waiting for? Caught in her web, unable to move without ripping the fabric, he tightened his hands into fists. Relax, wolf.

  Fuck relaxing, the wolf snarled, ready to shred the fancy jacket.

  Anticipation. This is just anticipation. It’ll be worth the--

  She unlaced his shoes. “You’re soaking wet,” she murmured.

  If he hadn’t felt so damn desperate, he would have laughed. Snared by a vamp.

  “But then again,” she looked straight up at him as she helped him out of his left shoe, “so am I.”

  The sound that erupted from his throat was in no way human.

  He felt the tendons in his neck tighten as he flexed his muscles, ripping the seams, tuxedo be damned. Her eyes widened and she sat back on her heels, the frothy dress gathered around her like black frosting. He kicked the other shoe off and heard a splash.

  “On your knees, vamp.” His voice wasn’t quite human either. Darker, more guttural. But she didn’t argue. She sat up, her right hand touching the tiny infinity pendant hanging from the thin gold chain around her neck.

  Not bothering to dispense with his slacks, he withdrew his cock. Her gaze focused on it and her hand stilled on the pendant. Fuck, he needed her. Needed this. It was crazy. He’d never felt so primal before. Like if he didn’t get inside her as soon as possible he might actually lose it. Lose control of the beast inside him and let it run free. Truth was, he wanted to let it run free. Wanted to give over to the side of him that existed only to hunt and fuck.

  He fucked his fist and saw her fangs peeking between her lips.

  She reached for him.


  Brows pinched together, she lifted her gaze from the drop of pre-cum. “Why?”

  He huffed out a sigh, trying to control the wolf. “Losing it.”

  The frown disappeared and the desire returned. “That’s okay, cher…” She slid a palm straight up the front of him. Her cool touch only made him hotter. “I won’t break.”

  She kissed the end of his dick and when he didn’t move she sucked him inside her mouth. He inhaled sharply and let his head drop back. Damn that was exquisite. Even though she didn’t use her hands, she was a master with her tongue. He dropped his chin and stared down at the ruby lips devouring his cock. “Enough.”

  Enough? Is he crazy? It would never be enough.

  Coco stopped sucking and he withdrew.

  “All fours, love.”

  She smiled. That was better.

  He ran a fingertip down her spine, skipped over the dress and gathered the tulle in his hands. She stared out at the sky, inky darkness filled with diamonds and glitter-topped waves shimmering beneath the moonlight.

  “You keep me at my limit, vamp.”

  She loved his admission. Appreciated the raw honesty. It made her feel whole. Powerful. Complete in a way she never had before. It was almost as if they’d been lovers… forever. He knew just how to touch her. Just what to say. Just the speed she needed to go.

  Coco was ready for his possession. He curled his big body around hers and shuddered. The orchestra had been magnificent, but not nearly as wondrous as he made her feel when he wrapped his arms around her.

  She closed her mind to him, afraid that he was getting unde
r her skin. He’s just the rebound guy. And besides, you’re not looking. She couldn’t let herself fall for him. It was too soon. She was barely out of a relationship.

  But what a rebound guy he was… He rained kisses over her shoulders, carefully restrained. “I told you, Grayson. I won’t break.” Why was he holding back? “Give us what we both want.”

  “Don’t want to hurt you, love.” The combination of his delicious accent and way he raised up and clasped her hips between his hands, kneading her flesh, made her eyes roll back in her head.

  She shimmied her hips at him. Couldn’t he tell how wet she was? Hell, she could feel her juices dripping down her thighs. She’d be embarrassed if she weren’t so turned on. In fact, she’d probably be ashamed later of how wanton she was.

  There was horny, randy, sensual. And then there was… her current state.

  “Grayson!” Evidently her tone got through to him. She arched her back and then bowed the other way… lifting her hips, offering him her cunt. His hands ripped her panties off. Then she felt a sharp, quick pain on her left buttock. Turning, she glanced back, saw him out of the corner of her eye. “Did you just bite my ass?”

  A laugh rumbled out of him. “Been wanting to do that since last night.”

  Crazy, sexy wolf.

  “Sorry, love. I had to see if your beautiful chocolate skin tastes as good as it looks.”

  “Stop biting and start fucking,” she pleaded, wiggling her ass again.

  For several seconds, he didn’t move. Didn’t make a sound. She was about to turn around and take matters into her own hands when she felt the tip of his penis glide between her butt cheeks and down the slippery valley of her nether lips.

  “Have I mentioned how much I like a shaved pussy?” he asked, using his cock as if it were a finger. Exploring her, testing her, preparing her.

  A shiver raced over her shoulders and another flush of moisture moistened her channel.

  “Are you cold?” he asked, pausing with his cock at the mouth of her pussy. She leaned back against him, taking the head.

  “No!” In fact, she felt hot. On fire. Delicious, fire.